6 Secrets Of Truly Great Influencers


You can read volumes of research on influencing and still do not understand how some people manage to do it. That’s pretty normal because often, the essential practical tips are lost in the sea of theoretical rant. It may be irritating because influencing others is what you need to do now and then, whether at work or in your daily affairs. But the more you try to master that art with the help of manuals, the more it seems to evade you.

Partially, it may happen because books provide lots of theory or anecdotes but rarely say how exactly you can apply that information in your particular circumstances. Partially, some key tips are not published because they seem too obvious or too unscientific to be discussed in respectable texts.

So here’s the problem: you need to get down to these smaller bite-size and applicable pieces of advice to finally start influencing people, but you do not know where to get these secretive tips. And here’s the solution: you can get this precious information at one- or two-day trainings that are led by professional negotiators or influencers. One such trader provider with a great reputation is cmaconsulting.com.au where you can get a variety of dedicated training in influencing and persuasion from experts with years of experience in successful negotiations and business pitches.

Now if we return to that sacred knowledge, what should you know before you approach anyone with an intent of making them your allies (or making them go and buy you a coffee)?

Secret one.

If you plan to influence people with cold reasoning and dry facts right from square one, skip that idea for good. When people feel preached or lectured, they feel resentment almost subconsciously. It looks like they do not know what they are doing but you know it. Quite predictably, they will respond with equally cold arguments about why you are wrong, so leave the facts for later.

Secret two.

Do not let people even suspect that you are trying to influence them or shape their opinion. Nobody loves manipulators, and influence may be seen as manipulation by many, although these actions are different. Be natural and present your case as naturally and casually as possible. It looks weird when a person you hardly know bumps right into you with a bright smile and a bunch of compliments that thinly cover up the request. So another secret of influencing is networking. The more people you maintain positive relations with, the higher your chances of influencing them.

Secret three.

Get on the same emotional wavelength with people and imitate it. People like those who empathize with them, so observe the emotions of your interlocutor first. Be calm with a calm person, cheerful with a happy one, and serious and focused with the one drawn deep into work.

Secret four.

Do not start with your needs – start with their needs and well-being. If you show care about other people, they are more likely to reciprocate and respond positively to your needs and requests. Tell people what they will get as a result of necessary action or how they will contribute to the common cause – and then you can talk about what you need in connection to it.

Secret five.

Prepare in advance your offer or request so that it is easy to understand and as visual as possible. By visual we mean something that can be easily grasped or imagined after a few seconds of explanations and information processing.

Secret six.

Now you can move on to listing dry facts that will help people think they have made a right and reasonable decision. When you have built rapport and tapped into the common pool of emotions and care, you can add some reasons to support the emotion-based decision they’ve made. After it, people will believe they have decided themselves, rather than think that they’ve danced to your tune. That’s the pinnacle of influencing.

So start with our tips, take training, practice it all and you will be able to persuade people to follow your lead, for your and their shared benefits.