5 Mistakes to Avoid While Advertising on Amazon

Amazon Advertising is More Lucrative Than      Google Ads!

Over the past few years, Amazon has evolved from a leading eCommerce platform into a complete eCommerce marketplace. This vast platform isn’t limited to buying or selling the products, it is now used by sellers and merchants to effectively advertise their products and services. Statistically speaking, Amazon advertising has 10x higher conversion rates than any other advertising including Google Ads – which is incredible!

If you’re not leveraging the power of Amazon Advertising then you’re missing out on something that can skyrocket your business. However, if you’re smart and have started with Amazon Advertising, here are some special tips for you. In this article, you will learn about the most common mistakes to avoid when advertising on Amazon – no Amazon advertising agency will tell you this.

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Advertising on Amazon

Below are the five mistakes you should avoid to harness the true power of Amazon Marketing.

#1 Launching The Wrong Ad Campaign

This is perhaps the most common mistake made by mainly the beginners who don’t have any experience in selecting the ad campaigns. This happens mainly due to the unavailability of data. When it comes to Amazon Advertising, the more data you have, the better will be your advertising efficiency. What happens is, when you plan to launch your ad campaign, you’re given two options to select from the Manual campaign and the automatic campaign.

Now, the mistake beginners make here is selecting the manual campaign option. Know that the manual campaign option offers you a completely different and rather advanced set of control and customization features. So, if you have no experience in digital marketing and advertising, this option will never work for you. While it’s true that it is the best campaign option, you should only go for it if you’re experienced or have an Amazon advertising agency by your side.

However, if you can’t afford to hire an amazon advertising agency and don’t have any digital marketing experience then it’s better to opt for an automatic campaign option.

#2 Not Including Negative Keywords

In simple language, negative keywords prevent you from displaying your ads to the wrong audience. The main purpose of using these keywords in your ad campaigns is to save your time and money by excluding the irrelevant keywords and including only the relevant ones. Most newbies, specifically the ones that haven’t hired an amazon advertising agency, ignore this part and avoid negative keywords which result in a lot of wastage of money as well as your efforts.

Therefore, decluttering the keyword list is a very important thing to do. By doing this, you’ll not only save your advertising cost but will also be able to target the right customers.

#3 Exceeding Your Budget

Keyword bidding requires one to have a good budget. Generally, most beginners don’t have such a hefty budget to allocate. The thing is, you can start with a decent budget and increase it slowly as you go.

But the common mistake people make is, they start getting stressed when their ads don’t provide a good return and then they mindlessly start spending more on their ads. Instead of exceeding your budget, pay attention to your keyword research and analyze your keywords. The best idea is to lower the bids of keywords that are not offering any returns and gradually increase the bids on the ones that are performing well.

#4 Not Optimizing The Ad Campaigns

Optimizing the ad campaigns is very crucial for its success. And it’s not only limited to analyzing your keyword but also looking and monitoring their PPC budget. A good practice is to keep an eye on the PPC budget and adjust the bids according to the performance of your keywords.

Another thing to do is to take ideas from your competitors, take your actions according to their performance.

Your aim should be to get in the organic search results. This will lower your PPC budget and will increase your performance – slowly but effectively!

#5 Avoiding The Powers of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Machine learning and AI are the biggest buzzwords in the marketing industry these days. These technologies have proved to be game-changers. Still, many people shy away from incorporating these into their marketing strategies. The best thing about Amazon is, it offers excellent automation opportunities for its users. The “Dynamic Bidding” feature is a game-changer for the advertisers and the right Amazon advertising agency knows how to leverage the power of this feature.

By using this feature, you can bid on the searchers who are more likely to make a purchase. All of this is possible to AI technologies, so don’t shy away from automation and make full use of it. Doing it on your own is not easy, so hire an amazing marketing agency and they will take care of the rest.

These were the 5 common mistakes you should avoid while advertising on Amazon. Besides, there is another common mistake most beginners make, choosing the wrong Amazon advertising agency. So, if you’ve no marketing experience, then select your Amazon advertising agency wisely and let your business thrive!