5 Important Facts You Need To Know About Internet-Of-Things (IoT)

Credit: ZDNet

One of the greatest technologies that we have seen with the industry’s evolution is the Internet of Things. It is to the IoT that the whole world can be connected.

Have you ever wondered how your devices and home appliances are connected with each other? Or how with a simple click on your mobile devices can turn your AC? Well, the internet of things has made this possible. But, after hearing the changes IoT has made in our lives, you must be wondering what the Internet Of Things is.

What Is The Internet Of Things?

The Internet Of Things (IoT) is a system of integrated computer devices, mechanical, digital machines, and humans. It offers a unique identification number to every entity in the network that facilitates sharing data from one entity to another.

When we say, Internet of Things, the thing from the IoT can be anything; it can be human, mechanical devices, digital devices, appliances, and anything you can imagine at the moment. When this is connected with the internet connection, it is assigned with an internet protocol. This address is then used to transfer data.

Today almost every device is made keeping the IoT in mind. In fact, businesses use this as an opportunity to keep engaging with their audiences. If you have a business and want to create an aas platform, visit sptel.com.

Important Facts You Need To Know About IoT

The Internet Of Things has grown its roots in every avenue you can imagine. Whether we are talking about the retail industry, digital signage, or public transportation, every node of these industries is connected with an internet connection.

According to recent estimates, there are more than 14 billion IoT devices in the world that are supporting our lifestyle today. So, seeing how the IoT has affected our lives, we thought of sharing valuable facts about IoT.

Fact 1: The Concept Of IoT Was Coined In The Mid 1800s

If you think that the concept of IoT was coined in the 21st century, then you would be surprised to know that a similar concept was introduced in the mid-1800s. It is just that the technologies had only the telegraph machine and morse code transmitters.

If we compare with modern technologies, these ancient technologies were one of the few devices that acted as the link to connect to entities.

Fact 2: IoT Is The Fastest Growing Sectors

Yes, IoT is the fastest-growing sector in the world. Experts estimate the total number of devices connected with each other will surpass 25 billion by the end of 2030. To give you a snapshot to show what is driving this trend, the market of the IoT is valued at more than 180 billion.

These numbers are hard to fathom and become even more daunting, seeing how the modern generation relies on online solutions more than ever.

Fact 3: IoT Has Played An Important Role In Revamping The Healthcare Industry

If we want to look at the most impactful sector, it would be the health care sector. IoT has influenced the healthcare sector the most. From asset tracking to inventory control to monitoring patient’s health, IoT has helped the healthcare sector in every possible way.

Some of the popular IoT solutions in the medical arena are:

  • Blood Glucose.
  • Location Monitoring.
  • Heart rate monitoring.
  • Fall detection.

Fact 4: IoT Bridge The Gap Between Physical World And The Virtual World

IoT acts like a bridge that connects two worlds together. With the help of IoT, people get access to the virtual world in real life. Perhaps, this is one of the most indispensable features that might redefine the future.

Fact 5: Security Is The major Concern Of IoT

Despite being one of the complete networks connecting different entities to make sharing information easy, there is one major downside of the IoT. It is prone to external attack.

As the IoT is a network that uses the Internet to connect different devices, it has become an easy target for hackers and fraudulent activists.

Final Thoughts

The IoT industry is growing faster than any other industry. This is not because it is the new norm of the modern era, but because IoT offers solutions to even some critical needs. For instance, enterprises are shifting their approach to the IoT to withstand power outage problems.

Every day, we are discovering something new about the IoT industry and experiencing new ways to change our lives. The IoT will certainly grow and become the core part of the future society.