10 Ways How to Spy on Girlfriends Text Messages

Credit: Oscarmini

Not everyone can completely trust another person, and not every person deserves it! Therefore, it is not surprising that you suspect your partner is cheating on you.

This is especially true if you talk to girls online, and you just got acquainted with one of them; then, you probably want to know if she isn’t dating several guys at once! Well, you can easily find out whom she is chatting with!

Now we will share with you the top 10 effective ways to see who your girlfriend is texting.

Reading text messages right from her phone

  • Pros: quick results, no need to hack the phone;
  • Cons: it’s difficult to go unnoticed, you can‘t check unread messages.

Are you wondering “how can I see who my girlfriend is texting for free” and don’t know where to start? Start with something easy! Take a moment and grab the girl’s phone, then go to the bathroom. To do this, you’ll need the unlock password, if installed.

Once you have access to her phone, you can view all sent and received messages as long as they have not been deleted. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to secretly read unread messages.

Checking her computer

  • Pros: quick results, no need to have access to the phone;
  • Cons: you can do this only if there’s specific software installed and data synchronization made regularly.

There’s another good way to spy on girlfriend’s text messages free without her phone: you can use her computer. You can only succeed if she uses the specific software and systematically synchronizes data.

Go to the “Messages” menu, then save the list to a file to a USB flash drive.

Using specialized apps

  • Pros: proven results and complete anonymity;
  • Cons: you need to install the application and gain some basic skills to work with it.

You’re asking Google “how can I hack my girlfriends phone”, but you have no skills to do that? Just use one of the popular apps! You’ll have to use her phone once to install spy software. This method has multiple advantages, as the application can:

  • integrates invisibly in the Android or iOS and is not detected by the antivirus;
  • doesn’t take much space;
  • works in the background (the user can’t find it in the list of programs);
  • sends information to a remote server and you receive ready-made data on phone calls, chats and location;
  • provides full access to phone messages, as well as to chats in social networks;
  • is easily controlled via message commands and personal accounts.

Of course, to transfer data, you need the Internet on the phone you are checking.

Note: don’t trust every app, as more than 80% of them are fraudulent and contain malicious software. Top secure apps: Cocospy, Spyic, UnderSpy, Spyier, Minspy, NeatSpy, Spyine.

Using online services

  • Pros: reliable results and complete anonymity;
  • Cons: you have to understand how the service works.

If you’re wondering “how can I check my girlfriends text messages for free?”, you can try using specialized websites that offer access to printing text message conversations from a specific phone. All of them have a similar set of features: viewing text messages (incoming and outgoing) and detailing phone calls.

Please note that many of these services are also fraudulent: if you see a request to make a payment to a short number, or there is no description of the operation process, or the developer assures you that you won’t need to take any actions to pay for services, do not use such a website.

Also, beware of individual anonymous users offering services on social media and forums.

Reading messages via iCloud

  • Pros: no need to install applications, quick results;
  • Cons: knowing iCloud credentials.

If your girlfriend owns an iPhone, then you’re lucky: you can secretly read her messages using an iCloud backup:

  • sign in to the subscriber’s iCloud account;
  • select “Recover from iCloud Backup Files” option;
  • choose the backup file containing text messages and download it;
  • select “Messages” in the pop-up window and start scanning them;
  • after completing the scan, you can view the data and read the necessary messages;
  • choose “Recover to computer” to save the data you need.

Printing subscriber’s personal information

  • Pros: quick and reliable results, no need to have access to the phone;
  • Cons: you can read messages only if the SIM card is registered in your name, and you have to have special skills to read deleted texts.

Are you asking yourself how to read my girlfriends text messages without her phone? If the SIM card is registered in your name, you can contact the office of the mobile network operator and order printing text message conversations over a certain period of time (up to 3 years) for free.

If the messages have already been deleted, even if you have the girl’s phone, you will not be able to restore them without having special skills or specialized apps. Alternatively, you can use the subscriber’s personal account.

If the SIM card is registered in your girlfriend’s name, then only the employee of an MNO office or law enforcement agency employee you know well can help you. The mobile operators have access to the database, and the security forces can use their official position.

Both cases are illegal and can put you at risk of criminal and administrative/criminal liability. However, these “services” are often practiced for good remuneration.

Using the personal account

  • Pros: quick and proven results;
  • Cons: you need to have access to the SIM card, you can only get superficial information without message content.

There’s another perfect way to hack girlfriend phone: all mobile network operators offer registering on a website to check costs, change plans or remotely order call details.

You will need to have access to the SIM card since you need to type in the code from the message sent to this phone number.

Please note that the mobile network operator provides information for reference only, so this method is not suitable for reading the content of someone’s text messages, but only to get the brief information about text message conversations and calls: date, time, and subscriber’s number. But sometimes that may be enough.

Reading deleted messages

  • Pros: high reliability, the ability to read deleted text messages;
  • Cons: you need to have access to the phone and special skills, the results depend on the version of Android, the vendor of a particular device, and the amount of time that has passed since the message was deleted.

Do the following:

  • go to “Settings”;
  • type “Backup” in the search bar and go to “Parameters”;
  • make sure that text messages are included in the backup list;
  • to restore data, you must first reset your phone to factory settings. The next time you turn it on, the system will ask what action it should perform — to set the phone up as a new one or restore it from a backup. Choose the second option to roll back to the previous backup date.

Intercepting messages by phone number online

  • Pros: high reliability, quick results;
  • Cons: messages may disappear from the subscriber’s phone during forwarding, you need to have access to the subscriber’s phone.

Tired of typing “how can I see what my girlfriend is texting” into Google? Intercepting messages will help you! There are two methods to do that:

  • Method 1: You can use forwarding, which is offered by almost all mobile network providers in the world. The bottom line is that you set up sending messages to a third-party number you specified, where you can read them. Keep in mind that when forwarding, text messages disappear from the subscriber’s phone.
  • Method 2: you can use forwarding to a mobile network operator’s service — this is called “duplication”. This method will work only if you have access to remote monitoring of this phone connection. This is convenient if you need anonymity: the subscriber does not receive any messages or notifications that his messages were duplicated. But, to do this, you need to have access to the girl’s phone.

Using detective agency services

  • Pros: guaranteed results, high reliability, a wide range of services, anonymity and security for the customer;
  • Cons: the high cost of services.

The agency will do all the “dirty work” for you and provide you with complete anonymity and the fullest report on calls and text message conversations.

Keep in mind that this is the best way to get results and protect yourself from charges of violating the law since all actions are performed by the agency.

How to tell if your girlfriend is cheating?

One can argue for a long time about the ethical side of the issue and the freedom and privacy of correspondence, but jealous people will always be interested in ways to find out the truth that seems most likely to them.

But, whatever the circumstances that push you to read other people’s messages, please weigh the pros and cons first. If you suspect that your girl might be cheating on you, it is always better to sit down and talk frankly, if possible. So, you can find out the truth and won’t lose face.

We sincerely hope that you both will be fine!